Shaving Scuttle, I’m a Bit Befuddled

What is a shaving scuttle and why would I use one? Think of a shaving scuttle as nothing more than a fancy, and big, shaving mug. Most often made of ceramic, though they can be made out of just about anything, it is basically a mug inside of a mug. There is space between the two so that hot water can be placed in between the two to warm the inner cup where the lather will be formed. Think of a shaving scuttle as a small “double-boiler.”

For many years I shaved with a shaving mug and brush. I had a couple of mugs and brushes at home and one “on the boat.” As a submariner, we needed to be ready to go to sea at any time and in fact, I was the duty officer for an emergency sortie. It ended up being a drill, but we still had to get underway for several days (as did every other submarine on the Eastern seaboard) I always kept everything I might need to be underway on the ship; from extra socks and skivvies to full shaving equipment and emergency snacks. Woops, I’m way too off topic of shaving scuttles.

Here is a video of using a shaving scuttle.

The shaving scuttles I’ve seen seem expensive, wasteful of space, and demand a lot of water to get heated up. I don’t think I would have ever used one on the ship as the seem large, consuming an excessive amount of space. Similarly, they use a lot of water to get the thing hot in preparation of the shave. Whether on a Navy ship where water is a very precious commodity, as we had to make it all, or in California where we haven’t built a reservoir in decades, it just seems wasteful.

To me, a shaving scuttle seems unwieldy and to be a bit of a waste:can you guess which of these would be my choice for a shaving scuttle?

A waste of time, to set up your shave and then to clean it up after your shave.
A waste of water to heat it up.
A waste of energy to heat up the water used to heat it up.
A waste of space to store it and set it up for use.

Why not use a simpler shaving solution? Almaden Shaving’s Premium shave oil is an all in one solution for shavers of all ages, genders and persuasions. This amazingly simple, yet powerful, mixture replaces ALL shaving products including: Pre-shave creams & washes; Shaving foams, creams, lotions and gels as well as Post-shave balms, lotions & conditioners.  The 100% all natural ingredients are exactingly proportioned, giving you the most incredibly comfortable, irritation free, shave ever.

So I ask you, why not try some of our shaving oil today? It takes up a lot less room than a shaving scuttle and can be used with hot or cold water. With a money back guarantee, what have you got to lose? Shave simpler, shave better!

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